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TOP > Travellers' Inn【電子書籍】[ Elizabeth Jeffrey ]

Travellers' Inn【電子書籍】[ Elizabeth Jeffrey ]

<p>Bethany and her mother are left destitute following the scandalous death of her father. Forced to leave their beloved home with little more than the clothes they are wearing, their last hope is to prevail upon their only living relative, Bethany's Great Aunt Sarah, who runs a coaching inn and reluctantly agrees to let them stay.</p> <p>Bethany impresses Sarah with her attitude to hard work and soon manages to convince her to build up the business again. As trade at the inn improves, their future begins to look secure. But trouble lies ahead, not only in the rumours of a planned railway, but also in the form of Zachary Brown, and itinerant labourer who takes a shine to Bethany, but who is not all he seems . . .</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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