SATO 佐藤計量器/東亜計器 砂時計 30分計



≫ 職人が丹念に一つ一つ手作りしています。



木製部は(ブナ・ミズキ), 砂は砂鉄を使用しています。

1734-30 仕様 寸法・質量 φ100×(H)185mm 約400g********************************************************************** 【以下は海外向けの商品説明になります】 【Product description in English】 ********************************************************************** SATO SATO measuring instrument / East Asian instruments hourglass 30 min total Passage of time for interior It becomes the answer on the delivery date by the order unit. ≪The product becomes one of Sato meter or Eastern Asia instruments.≫ A craftsman handcrafts it one by one carefully. In an aim of the call time for dish and telephone. In addition, it becomes the interior accessories. As for the wooden part, (beech dogwood), the sand use iron sand.   ★

Specifications ★

[dimensions, mass] approximately 400 g of φ 100* (H) 185mm

  • 商品価格:12,500円
  • レビュー件数:0件
  • レビュー平均:0